Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A New Beginning

I was asked to start writing a blog as a part of my new journey.  This adventure that I’m about to take is huge!  I’m so excited!  I’m about to embark on an adventure that most people only dream about.

I met this doctor almost a year ago, named, Dr. Andrea Pennington.  She's an incredible doctor who specializes in several different types of medicinal needs – weight loss, diabetes, integrative natural healing and acupuncture.  I met her through a good friend of mine who also volunteers with me on the W.E.P. Sickle Cell Foundation. 

After about a couple of months, I realized that Dr. Pennington was not just a doctor, she was becoming one of my very cool girlfriends.  I became a client of hers and because our age is so close, we became great friends.  A strong bond through and through!  Andrea is a broadcast correspondent as well.  You've probably seen her on Oprah, Dr. Oz, The Today Show and she's had her own show on Discovery Health Channel!  We definitely have something in common with our love for television broadcasting, so we decided to come up with an idea that would allow both of us to do something we love.  We're going to do a television show that will help me with some of my goals and hopefully, inspire other people in the process. 

Dr. Pennington went to L.A. to handle some business in regards to her practice and while there, met another wonderful therapist, Dr. Mike Dow, which you may know from this show on TLC called, "Freaky Eaters".  Dr. Pennington told Dr. Mike about my story and what we were embarking on.  He loved the idea and realized they could both work together on this journey in my life and make things happen.  We’ve decided to collaborate and take me around the world to work on me – lose weight, study other cultures as to how they work on weight loss, appreciating their bodies, values of life, values of food, etc.  I’m also going to find out more about myself – my inner self. 

People I interact with think I really know about me and maybe I do, but I don’t know if I know if I really appreciate myself the way I think I need to.  Which brings me to something very major.  I am a 40-year-old virgin – for real!  No kidding!  I mean, I'm not virgin Mary by any means.  I've encountered men - meaning kissed and messed around a little, but I've never been in an "intimate" relationship!  No, I’m not gay, so that can leave the mind.  I just need to figure out why I was so afraid for such a long time to allow a man to be near me the way I really wanted him to be.  Now that I’m older, I do want a man to be in my life.  I want to experience a real relationship with a man.  I want him to pursue me, caress my face, kiss me, cuddle with me, love me, make love to me!  You know, I'd like to have that connection with the right man!

With all of this being said, Dr. Andrea and Dr. Mike are going to travel with me in hopes to bring things together for me which will bring some clarity in my life.  I also believe that my journey will help others that may be going through something quite similar.  So, my journey starts in a place I've always dreamed of visiting... the French Riviera!  Here we go beautiful people...

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